It’s the time of year to start planning for Christmas parties! Like Halloween parties, I’m tasked with organizing a series of activities that are easy to set up and repeat over multiple days for dozens of classes ranging in age from wee little ones through junior high students.
Many games I use in class are for introducing and reviewing vocabulary. Once a year I have a window of opportunity to introduce or repeat holiday vocabulary that I otherwise never get the chance to use during the rest of the school year. Over time, and with repetition, my students pick up Halloween words like mummy and jack-o-lantern and Christmas words like elf and wreath.
Many of the paper activities I use have been created over many years and recycled as my kids grow up and move on. I’ve also used these puzzles in my adult classes as a quick warm-up during the holiday season.
You can download a free collection of paper puzzles to play in your own classes. Merry Christmas! These activities are great for introducing holiday vocabulary before parties, as a cool-down activity during parties, or a last-chance review after the holidays. Hopefully, they will spark some ideas for creating your own puzzles! They include answer keys and word banks.

If you’re looking for more Christmas cheer, check out these Bingo, Tic-Tac-Toe, and (free) Pairs activities from my online store! Whether you’re playing in class or online, these games are easy enough to play with your youngest students. Christmas I Have/Who Has is only available as a bonus in the Christmas Game Bundle!

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 2021!
Donald Kinney
Kinney Brothers Publishing